Wednesday, August 11, 2010

METROCON 2010 and Dallas!

Well, as it turns out, I will not be posting about the playroom project today as I planned. Why? For 2 reasons: 1) I just slap ran out of time last night to pull all the photos together - playing tennis until 9:15 did not leave me much time to get rest and give the post enough attention; 2) I'm headed to the METROCON Expo and Conference in Dallas today with 2 of my best designer friends!! I figured this deserved it's own post of sorts :)

METROCON is a large tradeshow featuring hundreds of exhibitors in the contract furnishings industry. The event also offers a number of CEU classes, and let's not forget the fabulous party on Thursday night for everyone attending. Jackson, MS hosts a similar event in October called DELTACON (which was modeled after METROCON), and being on the committee for it, we wanted to go see METROCON for ourselves! It's always a huge success, and we are looking forward to a great time in Dallas. Not to mention, it's nice being out of the office for a few days :)

I hope you all have a great rest of the week, and I will be back this weekend. Cheers! Oh, and thanks a million for the anniversary wishes. I appreciate them all!


  1. Safe travels and have a great time!
    XO Piper

  2. Something to look forward to when you come back. ;)

  3. Please tell what all you learn about there....have fun!

  4. Have a great trip! Looking forward to hearing about it!

  5. How cool to see all furnishings exhibitors! Hope you had a good time!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog - I loved all those bird decor items too!


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